5 Frequently Asked Questions about Custom Animatronics

14 Aug
5 Frequently Asked Questions about Custom Animatronics

With the latest inventions in technology almost anything is possible to create, even life-like animatronic robots of animals and humans. This is called custom animatronics. It is a robot of an animal or human that looks realistic and can be controlled by internal microprocessors, external wireless IOT technology, or remotely manually controlled by a puppeteer. It is composed of various mechanisms and requires years of experience and advanced CNC, 3D printing, welding, molding, composite fabrication, electrical knowledge, coding and control theory knowledge, and more to make it work.

Animatronics is an extensive subject that makes use of robots, anatomy and mechatronics. The life-like animation of custom animatronics figures occurs using the most efficient electrical means. Using electronic actuators remove the need for air compressors of expensive leaky hydraulic pumps. Electronic figures can be completely self-contained, like our SCAs (Self Contained Animatronics).

With that said briefly about animatronics, there are some frequently asked questions about the same. These are:

1. What kind of custom animatronic figures can be created?

Animated figures of any size and scope can be designed and fabricated. A wide variety of animatronic figures are created to entertain, educate, serve and assist people. The size of a custom animatronics figure can range from the smallest(an ant) to the biggest (a dinosaur). Animatronic figures can be based on anything– animals, birds, humans, cartoon characters, robots and so on.

2. What makes the animatronic figures work?

Various mechanisms are responsible for making animatronics work. Most of the animatronics are powered by hydraulics, pneumatics or by electrical means. The fact that the word ‘custom’ is used before animatronics is because they are robotic devices that are built according to the dimensions of living things. These are machines that have mechanical frames made of aluminum alloys and stainless steel and are created after incorporating in-depth knowledge of biomechanics. The custom animatronics figures make use of motion actuators that aid in the motion of joints and limbs. Externally, the figure is covered with flexible skins composed of soft hard and plastic materials. The finishing touch consists of adding feather, hair, coloring and other features as may be required. Costuming is the next thing that is looked into and after completing that, the figure is programmed by an animator and sound and other effects are also added.

3. How long do the figures take to be created?

There are many factors that decide the duration of creating custom animatronics figures. Factors like the size of the model (small, medium or large sized), complexity level and the various mechanisms that need to be incorporated, all decide whether a custom animatronics figure will be created within a week or will it take some months.

4. Are custom animatronics reliable?

Animatronics created by an experienced company is always trustworthy since they built the figures using quality components and latest tools like 3D Printing and Laser Scanning, 3D CAD, CAM, CNC Plasma Torches and so on.

Conclusion – Although animatronics figures visually look appealing and can be great for entertainment purpose, creating such a robot requires hard work and deep knowledge. By reading this blog, you will have a clearer perception of what custom animatronics is all about. To know more about our animatronics services, visit www.animatronicrobotics.com .

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