Grant a Sense of Touch to your Next Robot Design with ACES

31 Jul
Grant a Sense of Touch to your Next Robot Design with ACES

In this technology-driven age, inventing a new gadget or coming up with the latest robot design is no more an overwhelming task. Everyday people are inventing new technology and using it to develop advanced products.

One such recent invention that has gathered huge accolades is the development of Asynchronous Coded Electronic Skin (ACES). To be clear, it is an artificial nervous system that grants robots with an extraordinary sense of touch. Creating any touch feedback system can be challenging, many robots do not have this capability. But with this invention in The National University of Singapore, robots can now “feel” like humans.

Scientists have been grueling hard and have finally come up with the first-ever prosthetic technology- artificial skin that will be able to feel like humans. This recently developed electronic skin (that will also be an additional feature for building a robot) comes with super-high fortitude as well as responsiveness.

Let us look at some of the interesting aspects of ACES electronic skin.

Human Nervous System vs Electronic

According to the words of Assistant Professor Tee, almost all of our daily tasks are accomplished everyday because of our sense of touch; it is because of this ability to feel that we have a sense of balance, even while walking. Likewise, even robots need to feel for better interaction between humans and robots.

After being inspired by the sensory nervous system of humans, the NUS team already spent a year and a half in inventing a high-performance sensor system. The ACES nervous system is similar to a human nervous system because the former can detect the same signals as the latter. But there is an obvious difference- the electronic nervous system comprises various sensors that are linked to a single electrical conductor unlike the human nervous system in which the nerve bundles carry the signals.

Assistant Professor Tee also states, “The human nervous system is so efficient that sometimes we take it for granted. Also, it is much sturdier and our sense of touch is least affected when we, for instance, have a cut. If we can improve the working of our biological system, we can foster advancements in robot design by including electronic skin.”

Power of ACES

Compared to the human nervous system, ACES feel all kind of touches 1000 times faster. For instance: the electronic skin in a robot design can differentiate between various sensors in less than 60 nanoseconds! Moreover, within 10 milliseconds, the ACES aided electronic skin can determine texture, hardness and shape of objects! This is only possible because of the high capture speed and fidelity of the ACES System.

Significance of smart electronic skins for robots and prosthetics

The main features of ACES electronic skin are remarkable responsiveness, simple wiring system and numerous sensors. All these features lead to feature-rich electronic skins for Artificial Intelligence applications in robot design and prosthetic devices.

Another reason why ACES electronic skin is an innovative invention is not only it is highly scalable but also because it can be easily paired with any kind of sensor skin layers like those that sense humidity and temperatures; also, ACES electronic skin can get paired with water-resistant and self-healing sensor skin layer that will bring about self-repair, just like the human skin.

Conclusion– With the invention of ACES electronic skin, the gap between humans and robots have been further bridged. Moreover, if a robot is built incorporating ACES electronic skin, it can be used to build prosthetic limbs that are realistic enough for an individual to regain his/her sense of touch. To know more about robots and animatronics, visit :

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