How Great Movie Props Make Great Movies

06 Jan

When I see this I think of cool models, maybe some sets, maybe some small artifacts from Star Wars or Runaway or maybe Blade Runner that I might be lucky enough to collect.Being a part of the worldwide special effects industry I have had some ama...

The Evolution Of Robotics

07 Dec

In this new era where we see robots on TV making our cars, cleaning our floors, doing life-critical surgery, and “simply” zapping our corneas with a laser we have managed to slip into a state where “robots” are just another tool t...

The Wonderful World of Animatronics and Robotics

03 Dec
animatronics, robotics, robot, humanoid robot, android, fembot, robot girl

In this new era where we see animatronics and robotics on TV making our cars, cleaning our floors, doing life-critical surgery, and “simply” zapping our corneas with a laser we have managed to slip into a state where “robots” are just another...