The Animatronic Trade Show Handshake

25 Mar
The Animatronic Trade Show Handshake

Back in the 1980s and 90s, trade shows were all the rage for everything from retail cleaning products to medical devices. But let’s face it, even though such shows are still being used around the country, they are dropping in attendance about the industry in question. If you’re a salesperson, you need something special to get the attention of potential customers.

We Suggest Animatronics!

We all know this is a technology driven world where customers are excited by new gadgets and new ways of doing things. You might not be able to spruce up your presentation of the latest broom handles using a computer slide show and some creative music. How many times have your prospects walked right by your $$$ booth? You WILL get their attention with a robot hand that demonstrates your new broom and then offers a firm, businesslike handshake.

Imagine the sort of traffic you’d drive to your booth if everyone knew they could shake the hand of a robot. With a little creative programming that hand could also serve coffee, offer a business card, or any number of tricks to excite the eager crowd. And once you have their attention, you can use the custom animatronics to demonstrate your product or service.

More than Just Hands

We used the example of the robot hand because it is easy to put into context. But you don’t have to settle for a hand if something else would be more appropriate. There are custom animatronic heads, feet, and complete Custom Androids. There are even custom robotic devices that look nothing like people or their parts. We make whatever you would like.

Whatever product or service you are trying to promote, there’s a way to do so using animatronics. Simply let us know what you would like for your booth or walk around display. We can do the rest. We can design something specific to your needs.

Animatronics Make Great Promoters

Animatronic are great as promotional tools because they stimulate the imagination. I remember even as a child a relatively dumb prop of a robot (it didn’t even move) in front of a theater. You bet I dragged my parents in to see the film. AND we kept going back to that theater, even when the removed the robot display…

Think of it this way, there are three things that act as the primary drivers of sales: Shiny things. I mean that the emotional response, ALWAYS, will beat any technical information about your product. Believe me, I used to sell Computational Fluid Dynamics software! Some of the most physics-heavy software there is. And the software had an interface only PhD’s would appreciate. BUT I made hot, fun, crazy images from the post that would WOW people into stopping. That is all I need, prospects stopping. Conversations starting. DONE. Scanned. Distribute to the regional salesperson. 80% of the time it led to a sell (depending on that salesperson’s talent ; ) ) . STOP THEM. I threw foam boomerangs for a while, no kidding, and hit the ones I knew were high level prospects. Not cool, but it worked-ish. If I had an animatronic that had something to do with what I was trying to sell then the ROI would be done in 2 tradeshows.

So, have we convinced you of the promotional viability of an animatronic device? If so, we’d love to work together and find out how we can build your revenue stream. If you have a trade show coming up this year then it’s time to start thinking about your booth right now.

Let’s get together and build you your very own animatronic trade show “handshake”. You’ll be the talk of the show long after it’s over.

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